Why Organic Milk Is Better than Regular Milk

cow grazing

With many people choosing more natural products to put in their bodies, many ask why organic milk is better than regular milk.

Organic Versus Regular Milk

The main reason that organic milk is better than regular milk is because it comes from cows who never consume harmful pesticides. Cows that produce organic milk are also not subject to toxic fertilizers or synthetic hormones and antibiotics. Many people who are concerned with consuming trace amounts of toxic chemicals prefer organic milk over non-organic milk.

It is important to note however, that both organic and non-organic milk have the same amount of nutrients. Some proponents of regular milk say that the nutrients in organic milk are lower because it is ultra-pasteurized, meaning that organic milk is exposed to the high temperatures of pasteurization twice, whereas regular milk is only pasteurized once. Organic milk manufacturers claim that the ultra-pasteurization process does not further deplete the nutrients in organic milk.

Varying Studies

For now, there are battling studies regarding whether or not organic milk is better than regular milk. Some sources say it isn't, while others say it is. It's definitely not a simple matter and there are definitely strong feelings on both sides of the milk fence. Here's a look.

Regular Milk Studies

Proponents of regular milk, including the National Dairy Council, say there is no difference whatsoever between organic and inorganic milk as far as nutrition is concerned. Additionally, supporters of the non-organic dairy industry further state some of the claims made by organic milk companies are false. For instance, some organic milk companies claim that their milk is hormone free, but non-organic or "regular" milk producers claim that cannot be true because Vitamin D3, a hormone, is added to all milk.

Finally, one of the major arguments made by non-organic milk farmers is that the USDA is still working on a consensus as to what is considered organic farming versus non-organic farmer. Though currently, the USDA does have a specific set of rules as to organic farming practices and labeling.

Why Organic Milk Is Better than Regular Milk Studies

Though organic milk has been around for a number of years now, studies regarding why organic milk is better than regular milk aren't nearly as abundant as those for regular milk. There are a number of interesting studies out there though. Below are some of the findings for one such study.

In 2008, Newcastle University decided to challenge multiple statements made by the USDA and the National Dairy Council regarding there being no differences between organic and non-organic milk. They found that milk from free grazing cows was higher in:

  • Beneficial fatty acids
  • Vitamins
  • Antioxidants

The study also found that in the summer, when the cows could graze on fresh grass, certain beneficial fatty acids were up to 60 percent higher in organic milk than non-organic milk.

Arguments for Both Sides

So far, it seems that more and more studies are coming out giving reasons why organic milk is better than regular milk, but in the end, it really is a matter of personal choice and budget. Organic milk costs more to produce, so that cost is relayed to the consumer. Then again, certified USDA Organic milk is produced without the use of toxic fertilizers and pesticides, the cows are treated humanely and they are environmentally friendly. As far as the taste of organic milk versus regular milk is concerned, some say it tastes different, while others say it doesn't.

In the end, the debate of whether or not organic milk is better for you than regular milk, will continue to rage on, as long as there are organic milk farmers and non-organic milk farmers backed by the National Dairy Council.

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Why Organic Milk Is Better than Regular Milk