Organic Sunscreen for Kids

organic sunscreen

Many parents are considering purchasing organic sunscreen for kids to prevent their children's bodies form absorbing the number of chemicals in non-organic sunscreen.

About Organic Non-Food Products

Organic products made from chemicals, such as lotions, cosmetics and sunscreens, are not an agricultural product like food, so they are held to different standards. According to the U.S.D.A.'s National Organic Program, organic product manufacturers that want their products to bear the U.S.D.A. Certified Organic label, must meet the following criteria:

  • Synthetic materials - All products must be processed without the use of any synthetic substances.
  • No use of ionizing radiation - This is often referred to as irradiation.
  • Must contain at least 95 percent organic ingredients.
  • Any type of organic sunscreen for adults or kids that bear the U.S.D.A. Certified Organic label must adhere to the above described rules and regulations.

Organic Sunscreen Ingredients

The most important aspect of any type of sunscreen, organic or not, is protection from the sun's harmful UVA and UVB rays. There are organic compounds that have the ability to naturally absorb these rays and protect your skin. For this reason, there are a few naturally occurring chemicals that many organic sunscreen manufacturer's add to their products, including:

  • Oxybenzone - This chemical compound absorbs into the body and helps to prevent ultraviolet rays from penetrating the skin.
  • PABA - This non-toxic chemical also filters ultraviolet rays and helps to protect the body from UVB ray damage. There have been cases in which people, particularly children, develop an allergic reaction to PABA, so you may want to check with your pediatrician before using a PABA product on your child.
  • Zinc oxide - This is an inorganic compound, but remember, organic sunscreens only have to contain 95 percent organic products to be labeled as such. Zinc oxide is not absorbed into the skin and protects the body from harmful UVA rays and UVB rays.

Organic Sunscreen for Kids Manufacturers

Here is a list and quick description of some manufacturers of organic sunscreen for kids:

  • JASON - Sunbrella's sunscreen for kids made by JASON is 70 percent organic and provides protection from both UVA and UVB rays. This product is waterproof and has an SPF factor of 46.
  • Soleo Sunscreen - This SPF 30 sunscreen does not contain any chemical absorbers such as PABA or Zinc oxide. It's one of the best sunscreens to consider if your child has particularly sensitive skin or is prone to allergies.
  • Alba Botanical - This sunscreen is water resistant and offers great protection against the damaging affects of both UVA and UVB rays. Alba Botanical sunscreen for kids carries an SPF 30 rating.
  • Dr. Robin for Kids - Dr. Robin's specially formulated sunscreen for children has an SPF of 30 and contains organic green tea, quinoa and oats.
  • All Natural Baby - This organic sunscreen for kids contains a SPF 30 broad spectrum protection rating. All Natural Baby protects are safe to use in babies under six months old.

Starting Skin Protection Early

You can never start too early protecting your child's skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. By starting them early, they then develop good skin care practices as they grow older. Children, especially babies skin is super sensitive to everything from laundry detergent to soap.

Since sunscreen is heavily and repeatedly used throughout the day on a summer outing, it's important for many parents to find a sunscreen product that will not irritate their children's skin over the course of the day. Parents also want their children's skin to be adequately protected from the sun in addition to the product being non irritating. Organic sunscreen offers both these requirements. Of course, even many organic products can be irritating to young children's skin, so if you are concerned, you should check with your family's pediatrician before applying any type of organic sunscreen to your child's skin.

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Organic Sunscreen for Kids