Organic food advertising strategy is much like any other food advertising campaign. It is important to identify the potential negative concepts consumers have about organic food and dispel them.
Battling Negative Concepts with Organic Food Advertising Strategy
Before you can dispel negative concepts, you must identify them. You must show consumers the difference between organic and non-organic foods.
Time Investment
Consumers are busy people. They work, play, raise families; there is just not a lot of perceived time to prepare meals. Many consumers have the idea that organic foods take longer to prepare than their non-organic counterparts. Give them simple meal ideas to help them get started.
Organic foods are usually more expensive than their conventional counterparts. It is important in organic food advertising strategy to give the consumer a good reason to spend the extra money to buy organic. What's in it for them? Make sure they know. Offer coupons and other benefits to help your product fit into the consumer's budget.
Thanks to some pretty unappetizing health foods in the 1970s and 1980s, many consumers believe that organic foods are not as tasty as non-organic foods. It is important to advertise the product in such a way as to allow people to see the food at its best.
Choose Your Media
Once you have decided on how you are going to dispel the myths about organic food, you will need to decide how to get the word out to the public. Some common advertising venues are:
- Television
- Newspaper
- Magazine
- Blog reviews
- Social Media like Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace
- Websites
When you have your strategy outlined, you will be ready to implement it with great results.