Organic Fertilizer Made by Earthworm Waste

Earthworms are nature's busy farmers.

Organic fertilizer made by earthworm waste is inexpensive, filled with nutrients, and good for the eco-system.

About the Earthworm

The lowly, harmless earthworm crawls in the dark dirt and is not often a topic for discussion. However, these little tubular critters are great for the garden. They are basically a digestive system in a muscular tube-like body.

Benefits of Organic Fertilizer Made by Earthworm Waste

How do earthworms help the organic garden? Their waste is compost or humus packed with nutrients. As these creatures burrow through the soil they leave passageways for air and water, which loosens the soil and improves drainage. This is ideal for growing vegetables as well as flowers. In fact, earthworms have been named nature's tiny farmers because of their ability to plow, aerate, hydrate and fertilize. The more earthworms you have in your soil, the more waste they excrete and the better fertilizer you have for farm or garden.

Compost and Earthworms

If a garden is too toxic, the earthworm will not thrive. Rid of toxic chemicals, the earthworm will help ward off insects that destroy crops. They make the soil bacteria-free. Keep in mind that if your compost pile has no earthworms, it probably is not toxin-free. Learning tips on ways to do organic gardening will enable you to enjoy the vegetables and herbs you desire.

A good compost pile needs a proper mix of the following:

  • Carbon
  • Nitrogen
  • Oxygen
  • Water

Creating a Good Environment for Earthworms

If you want to have a large supply of organic fertilizer made my earthworm waste, you will need to take care of the worms.Earthworms excrete nitrogen through their bodies. In order for this to happen, they must be well-hydrated. Keeping the ground moist is key for the earthworms to do what they do best.


Earthworms also need the following conditions in order to survive and make your garden grow.

  • Darkness -- Too much sunlight can harm them.
  • Oxygen -- Worms need to have a good flow of oxygen so if you have them in a compost bin, make sure there is room for them to wiggle around.
  • Food Source -- Animal manure is the best material to have if you want to keep earthworms happy.
  • Temperature -- While worms can survive in the cold and heat, the optimal temperatures for breeding should be between 50 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit.

Buying Earthworms

What if you want more worms in your garden or field? You can buy them. Mark Yelkin, known as The Worm Guy, sells compost red worms. Red worms are also known as:

  • Red Wrigglers
  • Tiger Worms
  • Trout Worms
  • Manure Worms
  • Brandling Worms


If you wish to start your own earthworm compost bin, some research will help with your vermicomposting. Visit your local library, or go online to search how to go about creating a compost bin with the proper bedding for your earthworm community. You will also need to know which kinds of food are best to toss into your bin. It is recommended that you get your compost pile going with the rotting material a week or so before introducing your earthworms to it. Once you add the earthworms it doesn't take very long until you are able to use the fertilized soil to spread around your garden.The following are good compost materials to keep earthworms well-fed:

  • Vegetable and fruit waste
  • Starchy foods such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta
  • Aged animal manures
  • Shredded newspaper
  • Tea bags
  • Egg shells
  • Coffee grounds

What to Avoid

In your compost bin, do not add any of the following:

  • Human waste
  • Chemicals
  • Dairy products
  • Meat
  • Oils or grease
  • Non biodegradable items

Fruits and vegetables that are not organic can add toxins to the compost as they break down. If you want to avoid this you should only add organic items to your compost bin.

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Organic Fertilizer Made by Earthworm Waste