How does organic food affect your body? All foods have specific affects on the human body, but the benefit of organic foods is the lack of potentially harmful toxins within the food.
Organic versus Healthy
Organic food is arguably healthier than foods produced in using conventional methods because of the lack of chemical exposure. Conventionally produced food is commonly exposed to toxic pesticides, herbicides and preservatives in addition to artificial colors and flavors. Genetically modified organisms are also sometimes found in conventional foods. In this sense, organic foods are gentler and healthier for your body than the conventionally produced counterparts.
On the other hand, a label of "organic" does not automatically mean "healthier." An organic chocolate brownie may not have artificial flavors and may not contain the same toxins as a conventional chocolate brownie, but the organic brownie will still contain sugar. In other words, eating an organic brownie is not a healthy choice. The label of organic means the food is comprised of organic ingredients but does not guarantee the food is healthy and will have a positive effect on your body. Indeed, there are many different kinds of organic foods that are not necessarily healthy including chips, cookies and other snack items.
How does organic food affect your body? It affects your body in the same way conventional foods do with regards to having both the potential to nourish your body or have a detrimental effect if too many calories or fats are consumed.
The Digestion Process
The human digestion system is not as simple as chewing food and then sending it to the stomach. Food encounters a variety of areas within the body before it is eventually discarded as waste, and in each step of the digestive process there is the potential for conventionally produced foods to invade the body with toxins. Organic foods do not have this same potential detrimental effect on the human body.
- The Mouth: Food enters the body through the mouth where it is chewed and broken down with the help of saliva. Foods that are not organic, and which are potentially tainted with toxic chemicals and artificial preservatives, begin their assault on the body in this step.
- The Esophagus and Stomach: Food is sent down to the stomach via the esophagus. In both areas, any toxins within conventionally produced foods are being absorbed into the body. Organic foods, on the other hand, can be easier to digest and if the foods are healthy the body will be busy absorbing the nutrients as the food works its way through the body.
- The Small and Large Intestines: All food must make its way through both the small and large intestines before eventually being discarded as waste. Healthy, organic foods will contain the nutrients the body needs and will be utilized by the body accordingly. Foods that are unhealthy, or foods that contain the various chemicals sometimes used in the production of some conventional foods, may be harder for the body to digest and may have detrimental effects on the body.
The body does not necessary shed harmful chemicals once the food has been discarded from the body as waste. In fact, some studies have shown that certain chemical compounds remain within the body long after the food has been digested.
So How Does Organic Food Affect Your Body?
A better question may be, "How does organic food not affect your body?" Organic foods will not assault your body with potentially harmful chemicals that are routinely used when producing conventional foods. Pick nourishing, healthy organic foods in order to derive the most benefit for your body.